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Aromatherapy is a subject I could talk about for hours on end! I am a NAHA Level 3, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and have my Masters degree in Complementary Alternative Medicine with a concentration in Clinical Herbalism. The power of essential oils and my love of all things natural is what encourages me to share the knowledge I have with you! 


What is aromatherapy? Many people believe it is simply just the great smell of essential oils. While Aromatherapy is about the beautiful smell of these oils, it is also about so much more! Aromatherapy is defined on NAHA's website as "Essential Oil therapy, can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind, and spirit.  It seeks to unify physiological, psychological and spiritual processes to enhance an individual’s innate healing process."


We believe in the power of essential oils in promoting the health of the body, mind, and spirit. We use essential oils for many things in our everyday life from cleaning products to our household favorite "sleepy potion." We're excited to share our products and knowledge with you! Contact us for information on one on one classes and consultations. 


In addition to our aromatic cleaning products, we are now selling Aromatherapy inhalers, rollers, and blends! These aromatherapy products help support the immune system, offer emotional support, and offer a great, natural alternative scent to toxic air fresheners!


Check out our sister page Humble Bee Aromatherapy if you are interested in learning more about products, education, or aromatherapy services. 

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